Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monthly Birthstone: Amethyst

Amethyst is a violet color quartz mineral that is commonly used as a birthstone for the month of February. Amethyst was used in ancient Greece as a prevention for drunkenness, The Greeks would go so far as to make cups out of the purple stone in hopes it would prevent them from becoming intoxicated. Amethyst was once as sought after as rubies, sapphire,emeralds and even diamonds. However an abundance of deposits have been found all over the world greatly decreasing the value of the stone. There are very rare forms of amethyst that are widely sought after like Deep Russian Amethyst, these types of amethyst are usually found among gem collectors who are lucky enough to find or buy the deposit. Whether your a collector, jewelry maker or someone who is lucky enough to have this beautiful mineral as your birthstone we can all agree that amethyst is a stone that will be popular for years to come.

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